Happy Qixi Festival -Huarigor smartphone battery

Time: 2019-08-08 Reads: 871 Edit: Admin

The seventh day of the lunar calendar is the Qixi Festival, also known as Qiqiao Festival or the Seventh Sister Birthday. According to legend, on the night of July 7 or July 6 of the lunar calendar, women in the courtyard pleaded with Vega for intelligence, so it was called "Qiqiao ",which mean smart technique.This festival originated from the worship of nature and women‘s needle-punching skills.According to legend, on the night of July 7 or July 6 of the lunar calendar, women in the courtyard pleaded with Vega for intelligence, so it was called "smart".

This festival originated from the worship of nature and women‘s needle-punching skills.Later, the legend of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl made it a symbol of love.On this day, Huarigor Group‘s Xin Rui Ming Technology Company and Xi Ri Electronics Company distributed holiday gifts to employees.We wish that lovers in the world can finally be with people they love.